August Valley Ladies Reunion

A year since the last post.

Hare and I got together with the Valley Girls, er Ladies last week.  At my invitation, Hare joined the Ladies group several years ago; a group of moms that had been friends basically since our children were toddlers. Another friend of mine, Suzanne, a friend since college, also joined the gals several years ago. I knew they would all appreciate each other.

We used to meet for each other's birthdays and now it's good if we get to meet once annually. Someone must make the effort to arrange a date with the schedules of 8 women. This time I did it again in between ladies' work, care-giving, surgeries and travel. Since we always raise a raucus with our reunion, it's good to meet in a lovely Chinese vegetarian local restaurant that is not too crowded! I love the lazy susan.  This time for dessert, I brought fresh figs from my first seasonal crop to share with everyone, and of course with the restaurant owners.

Here we are, the Valley Ladies

Hare,  Adina,  Barbara,  Suzanne,  Joy,  Carole


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