Mitzvah for Hare's Mom, z"l


- Joy Krauthammer

In the noon day sun
four friends fill the new grave 
to the top 
filling all corners, edges, spaces, depth
so the deceased is not left 
uncovered, alone 
in her exposed plain wood coffin
after family and community 
say Kaddish prayer,
add their shovels of rock-filled 
bone-dry heavy earth
and leave cemetery
for mourners’ Meal of Consolation.

Grieving daughter stays behind.

Female friends don't wait
for the grave-digger workmen 
to come later to do their 'job'.

Friends with daughter
do their final mitzvah / good deed
for her beloved mom,
of blessed memory. 
With the long-handled steel shovels
together they give Rose a blanket of love.

Daughter receives the comfort 
given in chesed  / loving-kindness
and knows her beloved mother
Raizel bat Mordechai v’ Baila, z"l,
is cared for
and her soul can soar
to Shamayim / heaven.

May She be Bound in the Bond of Eternal Life.
May Rose's memory be for a blessing.

~ ~ ~

Friend, I hold you in my heart.

May The Compassionate One comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Hamakom y'nachem etkhem b'tokh sh'ar avelei Tziyon v'Yerushalayim.

May your comfort come from heaven.
"Min Ha-Shamayim Te-nuchamu"
Healing is beyond human hands, it is granted from Above.

Daughter Hare, with Joy, Barbara and Marianne
Levaya / Funeral April 15, 2011
8 Nissan, 5771
photo © Nathan

(Standing by the grave until it is completely filled is a minhag / customary final act of honor given to the deceased.)
~ ~ ~

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